Stop sign violation in california
(too old to reply)
2005-05-15 20:24:24 UTC
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.

Daniel J. Stern
2005-05-16 03:45:32 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my
driving record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving
violation, I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really
bad news phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and
Er...yeah, telling the judge you were too distracted by your celphone to
obey a TCD will go *real* far.

Step 0: THINK!
Laura Bush murdered her boy friend
2005-05-16 17:48:21 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
Contact laura bush. She once blew a stop sign and killed a guy in
front of witnesses and wasn't charged with anything.
2005-05-18 02:01:11 UTC
Post by Laura Bush murdered her boy friend
Post by d***@yahoo.com
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's
Post by d***@yahoo.com
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a
Post by Laura Bush murdered her boy friend
Post by d***@yahoo.com
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad
Post by d***@yahoo.com
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
Contact laura bush. She once blew a stop sign and killed a guy in
front of witnesses and wasn't charged with anything.
Well, Laura Bush used her political connection to the George Bushes,
who, having a close relationship with the republican governer of
California, married to a Kennedy, got some tips from Teddy Kennedy on
avoiding paying the consequences of drinking while influenced. At least
Laura Bush wasn't drunk, and murdering a pregnant mistress.
Old Wolf
2005-05-19 03:07:05 UTC
Post by X***@spamgourmet.com
Post by Laura Bush murdered her boy friend
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer
re: running a stop sign.
Contact laura bush. She once blew a stop sign and killed a guy in
front of witnesses and wasn't charged with anything.
Well, Laura Bush used her political connection to the George Bushes,
Wasn't the incident before she married into the Bush family?
Alex Rodriguez
2005-05-18 18:08:58 UTC
Post by Laura Bush murdered her boy friend
Contact laura bush. She once blew a stop sign and killed a guy in
front of witnesses and wasn't charged with anything.
I gotta admit, this is appropriate and a bit funny.
Alexander Avtanski
2005-05-16 18:11:00 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
If you were not talking on the phone while driving - explaining the
situation might help. I don't have experience with driving tickets, but
once after an extremely long work day I forgot to buy a ticket for the
light rail train. I got caught - bad luck, - and I had to go to the
traffic court. I went there and explained that I came to work at 6:00am
(showed the morning ticket to prove it) than came back on the train
well after 9pm; the judge waived the fine. In the room there were
several people with various issues, including traffic tickets. I
noticed that if the guy had good explanation and clear driving record,
the judge was quite understanding. One guy, however, tried to argue,
and got a really bad fine + mandatory visit to driving school...

- Alex
2005-05-16 20:03:06 UTC
On Mon, 16 May 2005 11:11:00 -0700, Alexander Avtanski , said the
following in rec.autos.driving...
Post by Alexander Avtanski
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
If you were not talking on the phone while driving - explaining the
situation might help. I don't have experience with driving tickets, but
once after an extremely long work day I forgot to buy a ticket for the
light rail train. I got caught - bad luck, - and I had to go to the
traffic court.
< snip >

You had to go to *traffic* court for that?
Alexander Avtanski
2005-05-16 20:13:10 UTC
Post by Paul
On Mon, 16 May 2005 11:11:00 -0700, Alexander Avtanski , said the
following in rec.autos.driving...
Post by Alexander Avtanski
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
If you were not talking on the phone while driving - explaining the
situation might help. I don't have experience with driving tickets, but
once after an extremely long work day I forgot to buy a ticket for the
light rail train. I got caught - bad luck, - and I had to go to the
traffic court.
< snip >
You had to go to *traffic* court for that?
Yeah. I was surprised too. I'm mentioning this, because while I was
there I saw how the things were going for traffic violations - we were
all waiting in the same court room and were being called one by one.

- Alex
Alex Rodriguez
2005-05-18 18:01:47 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign.
Consider how lucky you are that you did not cause an accident.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
Not the judges choice. It is up to the officer and the prosecutor.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I'll still pay the fine?
You can be pretty sure the fine will not go down, and probably go up if you
plea bargain.
Post by d***@yahoo.com
Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
You really should have tried explaining that to the officer. I was once in a
similar situation and I was rushing a bit to the hospital when I was stopped
for speeding. I explained the situation to the officer and he let me off with
a warning. In all instances it is always best if you can avoid the ticket by
talking to the officer. Yes, this probably means kissing his ass, but the
results are well worth it. Many officers will understand and cut you some
Shawn Hearn
2005-05-22 12:14:26 UTC
Post by d***@yahoo.com
I was very unlucky today and got a ticket from an officer re: running a
stop sign. I just got a phone call from my mom about my grandma's heart
attack, and I probably was'nt paying attention to come to a complete
stop, i turned right without the complete stop.
The thing is I want to avoid having another point add to my driving
record, can I beg the judge to change it to a non-moving violation,
I'll still pay the fine? Will mentioning that I got a really bad news
phone call help? I can prove it with hospital records, and stuff.
Other than possible court costs, what have you got to lose by trying to
plead your case before a judge? The worst the judge can do is say no.
John David Galt
2005-05-24 02:04:41 UTC
Post by Shawn Hearn
Other than possible court costs, what have you got to lose by trying to
plead your case before a judge? The worst the judge can do is say no.
Not entirely true. By contesting the case you lose the option (if you
had it) to go to traffic school.
The Real Bev
2005-05-25 00:20:40 UTC
Post by John David Galt
Post by Shawn Hearn
Other than possible court costs, what have you got to lose by trying to
plead your case before a judge? The worst the judge can do is say no.
Not entirely true. By contesting the case you lose the option (if you
had it) to go to traffic school.
And if you piss the judge off he can fine you MORE than you would have paid if
you'd just paid the fine.
"My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform
had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt."
2005-05-24 03:28:06 UTC
Just pay it, you deserve it. For now on, keep all cell phones inside
the car turned OFF so long as the car is in motion.